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SBIR N121-061:
Physics Based Multi-Touch Movement Interface Creation for 3D Modeling and Simulation


JHT’s proxSIMity Advanced Touch System (ATS) was developed during Phases I and II of a Government funded Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant. The technology offers a new, creative and more complex approach for interacting with multi-touch hardware devices (i.e. touchscreen displays and monitors, Apple iPhones and iPads, Android Phones and Tablets, etc.) that incorporates multi-touch, pressure sensitive interaction approach (i.e. physics, navigation and meta gestures Applications Programming Interface (API)). Multi-touch, pressure sensitive hand gestures, combined with real-time physics can result in more realistic and intuitive software applications for the training, simulation, architectural design, and entertainment industries.


Phase III SBIR Data Rights:

Under the SBIR Phase III Directive, any work at this phase does not require further competition due to satisfaction of the Competition in Contracting Act (CICA). Therefore, agencies wishing to purchase proxSIMity training solutions can do so as a sole source procurement. 


  • Agencies wishing to purchase products, services, or additional R&D effort can do so as a “sole source” procurement

  • Justification & Approval (J&A), if required, need only cite pursuant to FAR 6.302-5 that the award “derives from, extends, or logically concludes” prior SBIR efforts and is authorized under 10 U.S.C. 2304(b)(2) or 41 U.S.C. 3303(b)

  • Phase I and II awards automatically satisfy the Competition in Contracting Act (CICA) – No ability to protest a Phase III award

  • There are no limits on:

    • Contract Value, Size or Type

    • Government funding “color of money”

    • Workshare – With JHT as your prime contractor, JHT need not perform 51% of the work



Whether you are interested in working with JHT or want to provide feedback about our performance,
JHT wants to hear from you. Please contact any one of the following individuals for additional support:

POC Information
Business Development
Adrian Cox VP, Business Development 407-381-7797 x229
Stephani Gibson Sr. Contracts Administrator 407-381-7797 x309

Advanced Touch System

Swipe and pinch to zoom are a thing of the past with five-finger, pressure-sensitive gestures in the proxSIMity™ Advanced Touch System. Once integrated into your touch-screen training program, this library of over 100 gestures results in improved performance and decreased training time for your workforce.


Advanced Gestures Means Enhanced Interaction


proxSIMity™  is a gesture library. Think basic touch, but upgraded with real-time physics. Our five-finger gesture allows you to apply just enough pressure to close a jar lid, twist a light bulb or lift the hood on a car. It's innovative, intuitive and provides students a more realistic interaction when using touch screen, pressure-sensitive based applications.

Government Sole Source Option


proxSIMity was developed during Phases I and II of a Government funded Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant. Under the SBIR Phase III Directive, any work at this phase does not require further competition due to satisfaction of the Competition in Contracting Act (CICA). Therefore, agencies wishing to purchase proxSIMity training solutions can do so as a sole source procurement. 

How Will this Work for Me? What About My Bottom Line?


Our team will work closely with you to develop a custom built simulation that incorporates proxSIMity gestures and your predefined maintenance and operator tasks. The final product will be delivered on commercial off the shelf hardware (touch screens, computer towers, laptops or tablets) which will result in a tremendous savings for your overall training budget.

proxSIMity Trainer 2.jpg

ProxSIMity Product Offerings

Based on your training needs, choose from a selection of gesture library products and/or a comprehensive and customized training solution that features one of the gesture library options. **Customized Training Solutions pricing is based on project scope.

Gesture Library

Advanced Touch System
Base product featuring the full library of over 100 advanced touch gestures.


Advanced Touch System 2D
A more robust library of gestures than Lite but slightly less than the full version, this option takes into account that certain tasks do not require the full library. This is a suitable option for a 2D environment (push, slide, rotate, etc.)


Advanced Touch System Lite
A small library of gestures that can be used as a plug and play option - similar to a student software version - that will be placed on the Unity Store with the inclusion of built-in development scripts.

Customized Training Solutions

proxSIMity 3D
A customized simulation training solution utilizing 3D graphics and all of the gestures within the Advanced Touch System delivered on Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) hardware


proxSIMity 2D
A customized simulation training solution utilizing 2D graphics with Advanced Touch System 2D delivered on COTS hardware

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